If you are looking for movies like Analyze This these could be interesting candidates. The closer two names are, the greater the probability the two movies are similar.
Analyze This
Lethal Weapon
The Patriot
A Beautiful Mind
Good Will Hunting
The Untouchables
What About Bob
The Couch Trip
Vanilla Sky
Don't Be A Menace To South Central
Pay it Forward
Genesis Children
9 Yards
Mercury Rising
The Man With Rain In His Shoes
Analyze That
Catch Me If You Can
Grosse Point Blank
Osmosis Jones
National Lampoons Christmas Vacation
Rio Bravo
Godfather 3
The Dreamlife of Angels
Meet The Parents
The Bridge
Great Expectations
The Whole Nine Yards
Runaway Bride
Godfather 2
Wuthering Heights
What Women Want
Paper Moon
I Am Sam
Ein Himmlischer Teufel
Aurora Borealis
My Life in Pink
Players Club
Oh Brother
Broke Back Mountain
Looking For Eric
Grand Canyon
Apollo 13
Planes, Trains and Automobiles