If you are looking for movies like Easy Rider these could be interesting candidates. The closer two names are, the greater the probability the two movies are similar.
Easy Rider
O brother where art thou
Wild at Heart
Alice's Restaurant
Five Easy Pieces
Eyes Wide Shut
Midnight Cowboy
Atlantic City
Vanishing Point
Rebel Without a cause
King Kong
The Trip
Thelma and Louise
Full Metal Jacket
Juliet Of The Spirits
The Snake Crane Secret
The Brain That Wouldn't Die
The Arrangement
Enemy Mine
Hell Ride
Teenagers From Out Of Space
Aguirre the wrath of God
Smokey and the Bandit
Blow Up
Dazed and Confused
Cool Hand Luke
Cyrano de Bergerac
Teenage Cheerleaders
Godzilla vs. King Ghidora
The Doors
Zabriskie Point
Clockwork Orange
Mean Streets
Alice's Resturant
Jo Jeeta Wohi Sikander
Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas
Scare Face
This is Spinal Tap
21 Grams
The Straight Story
A bugs life
180 South
Stone Cold