If you are looking for movies like Passport To Pimlico these could be interesting candidates. The closer two names are, the greater the probability the two movies are similar.
Passport To Pimlico
The 39 Steps
Whisky Galore
A Matter Of Life And Death
Tight Little Island
Bugsy Malone
The Lavender Hill Mob
The Mouse That Roared
Miss Pettigrew Lives For A Day
Auf der anderen Seite
Being Julia
Keeping Mum
Smiley's People
mrs. Henderson presents
My Man Godfrey
The White Ribbon
Ice Cold In Alex
Tinker Taylor Soldier Spy
Local Hero
The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants
Chinese Ghost Story
Bringing up Baby
The Fast Runner
Perfect Spy
Restless Natives
10.000 B.C.
The Long Goodbye
Vertical Limit
Bad Education
I am dina
Mr. Hulot's Holiday
Still Crazy
His Girl Friday
Ripley's Game
The Seven Year Itch
North by North west
Waltz With Bashir
The Desert Fox
Magnificent Seven
The Producers
Revolutionary Road
Lady Eve