If you are looking for movies like Take Shelter these could be interesting candidates. The closer two names are, the greater the probability the two movies are similar.
Take Shelter
Everything Must Go
Win Win
Rocky balboa
Ruby Sparks
Leave No Trace
This is 40
Two Eyes Staring
Celeste And Jesse Forever
Used Cars
A Rainy Day In New York
The Puffy Chair
The Man With Two Brains
Hollywood Nights
Die Tür
Baghdad Cafe
Shiva Baby
Black Mountain Side
Magic Magic
Beyond Borders
Tender Mercies
Trip To Bountiful
The Assasination Bureau
Frances ha
Wenn Die Gondeln Trauer Tragen
Daydream Nation
Death At The Funeral
Radio Days
Barneys Version
Animal Kingdom
Grizzly Man
Children Of Paradise
Dark Skies
Breaker Morant
Silver Linings Playbook
Nach Der Hochzeit
The Death of Stalin
La Ronde
The Black Marble
Adult Life Skills
The Pretty One
Cloud Atlas
The Tall Man