If you are looking for movies like Blood Simple these could be interesting candidates. The closer two names are, the greater the probability the two movies are similar.
Blood Simple
Stranger Than Paradise
The French Connection
7th Seal
Down By Law
The Untouchables
The man who wasn't there
Blue in the Face
Night on earth
The Limey
Miller's Crossing
The Hit
In Cold Blood
The Station Agent
Forbidden Zone
Ghost Dog
Rio Bravo
The Big Red One
O brother where art thou
Paris Texas
Cat People
Buffalo 66
Project A-Ko
Das Piano
Dangerous Liaisons
Europa Europa
Big Night
ZOO-A Zed and two Noughts
A Most Violent Year
Death and the Maiden
the Nine Lives of Tomas Katz
Gangster No.1
The Postman Always Rings Twice
To Live And Die In La
Ruben And Ed
Rosemary's Baby
The Dresser
The In-Laws
Gorky Park
Cold In July
Red Rock West
Over The Edge
Branded to Kill
Courage Under Fire