If you are looking for movies like Girl With The Dragon Tattoo these could be interesting candidates. The closer two names are, the greater the probability the two movies are similar.
Girl With The Dragon Tattoo
The Crimson Rivers
Lock stock and two smoking...
Moon 2112
Home Alone 2: Lost in New York
Runaway Jury
Jackie Chan
Who Am I – No System is Safe
The Cabinet of Dr Caligari
Late night
The Cabin in the Woods
I`m not there
Killer Joe
Toy Story 3
Lethal Weapon 1
The Other Lamb
I Am Not A Serial Killer
In Bruges
Mom at 16
Ava's Possessions
Cold Pursuit
Let The Corpses Tan
Free Willy
The Snowman
In Treatment
Lust, Caution
Back to the Future Trilogy
Dirty Rotten Scoundrel
District B13
La Boum
I come with the rain
After Life
The Time Machine
Dogs in Space
Silk road
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
Promising young woman
Dr Zhivago
Memoirs of a Geisha
Oxford Murders
Eastern Promises