If you are looking for movies like Tomorrow Never Dies these could be interesting candidates. The closer two names are, the greater the probability the two movies are similar.
Tomorrow Never Dies
Thomas Crowne Affair
Die Another Day
The Siege
The Sand Lot
Ordinary decent criminal
Crocodile dundee
Flying High
Laws Of Attraction
October Sky
Men In Tights
Guys And Dolls
The World is not Enough
21 Bridges
Apollo 13
The Last Castle
Miss March
From Russia With Love
The Outsiders
School Of Rock
The End Of An Affair
Three Amigos
Guns Akimbo
Nur noch 60 Sekunden
Oceans 12
If Tomorrow Comes
Chariots Of Fire
Interstate 60
Oceans 11
Young Frankenstein
The End of the Affair
Young Guns
fast and Furious 8
The 40 Year Old Virgin
Meet The Parents
Inside Man
Igby Goes Down
Fighting Club
Fried Green Tomatoes
Grosse Pointe Blank
The Illusionist
Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb