If you are looking for movies like Gosford Park these could be interesting candidates. The closer two names are, the greater the probability the two movies are similar.
Gosford Park
Shakespeare In Love
Breakfast at Tiffany's
My Best Friend's Wedding
Bridget Jones Diary
The man in the ironmask
Ever After
Moulin Rouge
The Remains of the Day
The Net
The Saint
Independence Day
Thomas Crowne Affair
Main Street
Grease II
The Winslow Boy
Evil Under the Sun
Mission Impossible
Forbidden Planet
Sense And Sensibility
Love In The Afternoon
Much Ado About Nothing
LA story
Jude The Obscure
8 Women
Murder by Death
American Grafitti
An Ideal Husband
Sliding Doors
Jane Eyre
The Inheritance
Pandora's Box
Moonlight Mile
I am dina
I know where I'm going
The Dresser
Mansfield Park
Wallace and Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit
A Room With A View
Gorky Park
West Wing
Jane Eyre (2011)